Webinar: The fight against forced labor in supply chains: How to stay compliant in the US, EU and UK
1 min read
This webinar features a lively discussion among White & Case International Trade lawyers, David Bond, Sara Nordin, Chris Thomas and Jessica Lynd, that seeks to compare and contrast law, regulations, and trends of enforcement with respect to forced labor and imported goods in the US, EU and UK. The webinar synthesizes the obligations in order to enable companies to build a compliance policy that simultaneously meets requirements across all jurisdictions.
Topics of discussion include:
- Overview of regimes (UFLPA, EU proposals relating to forced labor and supply chain management, UK Modern Slavery Act)
- Spotlight on key industries of impact
- Supply chain scrutiny
- Compliance challenges
- Expanding supply chain obligations and reporting requirements for ESG factors.
This webinar was hosted in association with Lexology.
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