White & Case has signed the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations' (CGA) Green Pledge.
The CGA is a global initiative to raise awareness of the carbon footprint of international arbitration and to minimize its environmental impact through the promulgation of best practices. The Green Pledge comprises eight guiding principles to promote environmentally sustainable arbitration practices, including electronic only submissions and correspondence where possible, encouraging the use of videoconferencing as an alternative to travel, and offsetting carbon emissions for any arbitration-related travel.
Jennifer Glasser, an International Arbitration partner based in New York, commented: "White & Case has been a trailblazer in environmentally sustainable arbitration practice for years. As just two examples, we were counsel for the respondent in ICSID's first fully paperless hearing almost a decade ago—and our global practice has participated in more than a dozen remote hearings since 2020. By signing the Green Pledge, we are formalizing our commitment to reduce our environmental impact through innovative use of technology and procedure."
Abby Cohen Smutny, global head of the International Arbitration group, added: "Our clients are increasingly focused on environmental sustainability and the efficient delivery of legal services by leveraging legal technology.The CGA Pledge will help our teams to meet these dual objectives and strengthen our client-first approach to arbitration."
White & Case means the international legal practice comprising White & Case LLP, a New York State registered limited liability partnership, White & Case LLP, a limited liability partnership incorporated under English law and all other affiliated partnerships, companies and entities.
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