The White & Case Dispute Resolution team has contributed to the 2021 edition of the Getting The Deal Through: Dispute Resolution guide.
The quick reference guide enables a side-by-side comparison of local insights into litigation, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) worldwide, including court systems; judges and juries; limitation issues; pre-action behaviour, starting proceedings and timetable for proceedings; case management; evidence; remedies; enforcement; public access; costs; funding arrangements; insurance; class action; appeals; foreign judgments and proceedings; the role of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration; choice of arbitrator; arbitration agreements and arbitral procedure; court interventions in arbitrations; awards; types of ADR; requirements for ADR; other interesting local features; and recent trends.
Local partner Olivier Vanhulst and associate Julien Hislaire have co-authored the Belgian chapter of the guide.
Download the full PDF 'Dispute Resolution - Belgium'
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