As part of the Petroleum Economist Outlook 2022 publication, Jay Cuclis (Partner, Houston) authored the chapter 'The greening of hydrocarbons', discussing the importance of reducing emissions from the production and use of hydrocarbons for the energy transition, alongside alternative sources.
Most of the publicity on the transition centres on how to 'decarbonise' the global economy, with a major focus on the shift to non-hydrocarbon energy sources (NHES) such as solar, wind and hydrogen. Another key component of the energy transition that gets less attention, but is equally important, is identifying and implementing methods of reducing, or even eliminating in some cases, air emissions from the production and use of hydrocarbons, which remain the most accessible, economically viable and reliable method of producing energy in most countries.
Click here to view the full 'The greening of hydrocarbons' chapter PDF from PE Outlook 2022
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