Working in the Czech Republic

Working in the Czech Republic

With more than 2,000 lawyers in 44 offices in 30 countries, White & Case is a top-ranked global law firm. We were one of the very first international law firms to expand into the Czech Republic, establishing our Prague office in 1991. 

Today, more than 50 lawyers and tax advisors work on a wide range of complex local and cross-border matters, drawing on our deep experience in national and international commercial law.

Practice areas

As one of the largest international law firms in the Czech Republic, we offer deep local knowledge and an excellent track record for clients looking to realize investment opportunities or navigate their complex challenges, both here and abroad.

Our core practices in Prague include: Antitrust/Competition, Capital Markets, Debt Finance, Dispute Resolution, Energy & Infrastructure,  Financial Restructuring and Insolvency, ICT And Tax Advisory, M&A/Corporate, Private Equity and Real Estate.

Who we are

We're proud that our people are from a wide variety of backgrounds. We attract people with a global mindset, who prioritize learning about different cultures, experiences, languages and viewpoints.

What we look for

It goes without saying that we expect a high level of intelligence and academic excellence, but it is the way you think that is absolutely crucial to us. You need to be able to analyze how the law works, and to be creative, yet pragmatic, in your interpretation of it. 

Our clients depend on our ability to resolve complex issues or to structure international transactions on their behalf, so we value collaboration and a team-oriented mindset. Clients and colleagues will rely on you to perform tasks accurately, efficiently and on time.


Accelerate your career with us!

Our interview process includes in-person interviews with an HR representative, as well as lawyers and partners, to enable us to get to know you, and to allow you to get a feel for our work environment.

If you are applying for an associate position, you will also be given a legal case study and analytical test to complete during a visit to our office. The entire recruitment process typically takes between two weeks and one month.

To join our team in Prague, please send your resumé and cover letter in English to

Michaela Tylmanova  
Michaela Tylmanová
HR Manager


Your resumé should include the following information:

  • Education: The names of the educational institutions that you have attended or are currently attending; your major field of study; the date of your graduation; and your examination results
  • Work experience: The names of the organizations for which you have worked; a brief job description; and the dates you worked for each organization
  • References: These are not required with your initial application, but providing them will be helpful
  • Extracurricular activity: A description of any extracurricular activities (such as sports, moot courts, etc.)

Feel free to include any other information that you think may be useful or of interest to us in your resumé or cover letter, but please keep each document to a maximum of two pages.

Your cover letter should include the following information:

  • Position: Please refer to the position for which you are applying (e.g., associate, tax advisor, legal secretary, accounting, administration, etc.)
  • Purpose: Please describe why you want to join White & Case
  • Current employment: Please indicate whether you are presently employed, and if so, by whom
  • Start date: Please indicate when you would be available for employment
  • Contact details: Please provide current contact information for us to get in touch with you. Please also indicate how you would prefer to be contacted, and the best times to reach you

Read more about our work and our people

Tadeáš Matys
“Know that your ideas are valued here”
Ten insights into working in Debt Finance in our Prague office
Martin Voříšek
"With an international education, I can apply what I know to every situation"
Klara Kolomaznikova
"Be proactive and look for opportunities that match your interests"

50.085387, 14.4254709
