From the Chairman
In a year defined by clashes of identity and values, the role of lawyers, law firms and the legal community took on greater emphasis and meaning.
Against that backdrop, White & Case saw record growth in our global citizenship activity: Lawyers in all our offices and in every practice devoted nearly 120,000 hours to pro bono matters. Now more than ever, our people are using their professional skills and our global network to make a concrete difference wherever they can.
This year’s Global Citizenship Review highlights pro bono and volunteer projects in three important areas: emergency preparedness, education and climate action. These stories and others remind us what is possible when we choose to play our part in addressing the challenges of our time.
Hugh Verrier
About Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship describes our role—as a business and as individuals—as active participants in the global community. White & Case is committed to fair and ethical operations that respect the interests of our stakeholders and recognize the importance of our natural environment.
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative, White & Case is committed to doing business responsibly by aligning our operations with ten principles related to human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. Our Responsible Business Working Group, chaired by our co-General Counsels, is focused on identifying, reporting and addressing any human rights risks or abuses in our operations or our key suppliers. Our Environmental Sustainability Committee, chaired by our Head of Global Citizenship, oversees our environmental management system and measurement activities.
Click here to view our Communication on Progress for the UN Global Compact, our Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking and details on our environmental sustainability initiative.
Emergency Response
Our global legal analyses help set new policy frameworks

A global framework for managing disaster risk
We are assisting in the development of a Global Disaster Risk Management Law & Policy Index for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Legal first aid for first aid providers
We are supporting the IFRC Global First Aid Reference Centre (GFARC), hosted by the French Red Cross, with research to establish first aid providers’ liability and identify gaps and best practices.
Legal Education
Our investments in legal education focus on some of the world’s biggest challenges and opportunities

Is education a right for migrant children?
Our lawyers analyzed how legal accountability can promote the delivery of education for the millions of school-aged migrants worldwide.

Schooled in law
We added a new partnership with the Grunin Center for Law and Social Entrepreneurship at New York University School of Law to our growing roster of programs for law students.

The role of the courts in public education
We work through the courts to enforce legal obligations and unlock funding for education in several US states.

A pipeline for the profession
We also invest in programs that help diversify the pipeline of young people interested in careers in law or law firm management.

Case studies in international arbitration
Our investment in education extends to training for practicing lawyers and judges. We applied a tailored approach for lawyers in The Republic of The Gambia in collaboration with the International Senior Lawyers Project (ISLP).

A curriculum for judges on the impact of reproductive rights
When the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) received a grant to create a training program to sensitize judges globally about the importance and impact of reproductive rights, they turned to us to help create a model curriculum.
Climate Action
We employed our skills to help protect our environment and accelerate climate action

The path to a Global Pact for the Environment
We are conducting a crucial legal review to inform the UN as it considers creating the world’s first universal environmental charter.

The Zoological Society of London goes high-tech in the fight against poaching
Our intellectual property lawyers help ZSL secure rights to the technology to monitor endangered animals.

A blueprint for financing climate action at scale
Our lawyers co-authored a white paper with the G20 Sustainable Finance Study Group that calls for the creation of a sustainable collateralized loan obligation market to combat climate change.

Conservation finance
Our long-time pro bono client Conservation International structures innovative financing for nature conservation and climate change projects.
A Truly Global Pro Bono Practice
Our work focuses on providing access to justice, serving organizations with a social or environmental mission and promoting the rule of law and good sovereign governance

Highlights of our work
Our work focuses on providing access to justice, serving organizations with a social or environmental mission and promoting the rule of law and good sovereign governance
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